Indian Maritime University: Global academic engagements (MoUs) Indian Maritime University (IMU) the largest maritime University having the oldest maritime training institutions in its fold participates in the Global Maritime India Summit held from 17th to 19th October 2023 in Mumbai. This event was inaugurated by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi and saw participation from top leaders from the various Ministries of the Government of India, leading maritime Industries from India and abroad and a large number of Ministerial delegations from many Countries. This event marked the launch of IMU’s e-library by the Honorable, Minister of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India, Shri Narayan Tatu Rane and the inauguration of IMU’s revamped website by Hon’ble Minister of State for Ports, Shipping and Waterways, Government of India, Shri Shripad Naik. This event also witnessed the efforts of IMU to energize maritime education and research verticals, by inking MoUs with Erasmus University, UPT; Centre for Urban Port & Transport Economics an organ founded by University of Rotterdam and is closely associated with the Port of Rotterdam under the academic-industry model. With the LoI signed under the Indo-Dutch collaborations, the Government of India, IMU had conducted an online micro credit course and also delivered lectures at IMU. The MoU will further the collaborations between both Institutions. Eastern University (EU), Trincomalee Campus, Sri Lanka has offerings in areas of applied sciences, business studies etc. The EU seeks India's support to develop marine related programmes. So IMU intends to act as a major knowledge partner and Sri Lanka being one of the BRICS members, would augur well. International Ocean Institute (IoI), Malta being associated with UN marine programmes is a renowned body having expertise in ocean governance and related studies. IMU has collaborated with IOI (Singapore Chapter) for awareness programmes etc. It is intended to develop short certificate programmes and also explore the possibility of long Masters programmes. Kamarajar Port Limited is a buzzling port at around 35 kms from IMU. The port will have much to offer for IMU students by way of port visits, internships etc. This MoU is aimed at utilizing the services of the Port for the benefits of students of IMU. Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai has been an institution of excellence in higher education and is a deemed University. The MoU agrees to promote cooperation between both institutions to encourage co-operation between their faculty and administrative staff, departments and research institutions. A major area would be research studies on seafarers’ issues (health, societal). IMU envisages benefits to the country’s and also the global maritime force through this understanding. Gati Shakti Vishwavidyalaya (GSV) is a Central University and a pioneer in the domain of Transport and Logistics education in India. With a mandate to create a resource pool of best-in-class professionals for the entire transportation sector, the collaboration between Indian Maritime University and Gatishakti University will pave the way for Research and development also. The joint efforts will focus on the Maritime India Vision 2030 and the National Logistics Policy framework 2022 and Visakhapatnam Port Authority is a major port on track to be a Green Port. VPA’s solar power farm takes care of its captive requirements. VPA has reached out to IMU for projects which will make the port cleaner and greener. The project on autonomous vehicle with scavenging feature, providing solutions for port’s real-life issues and accommodating IMU’s students for port visits, etc., are a few initiatives in near focus. IMU’s experiential learning initiative aims at enhancing the functional knowledge of IMO amongst students. Mimicking the IMO sittings, students from IMU’s Campuses and other MTIs compete. The third edition is due in November and this year it has drawn greater attention and support. This year’s supporters include IMEI, Alumni, RINA (with a welcome MoU signed prior to the Summit) and Lloyds Register. The next edition is expected to be open to international maritime institutions.